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US economy may plunge into depression if banking sector bailout fails

The US economy may plunge into a depression if the $700 billion rescue package fails to revive the ailing banking sector, says Ilian Mihov, INSEAD Professor of Economics.

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2008 Top Ten

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The HowTo team at Mahalo has been an amazing surprise effort. We didn't plan on making howto articles, but when we built various how to search pages we realized that many howto articles were, well, lacking. So, we started building select ones where we thought we could help. This one on how to save money is very good.

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大前研一:中國將陷停頓 台灣腹地在全球

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There are plenty of social media platforms that you can participate in today, and they all have their pros and cons. The best way to choose a platform to participate in is to look at the people that hang out there. In my opinion, Facebook is one of the best platforms for networking-both personally and professionally. I also use Linked In and Twitter. Linked In is nice for having a more or less static professional profile online. Twitter is good for "blasting" bits and pieces of news to friends and clients. The one social networking group I am not part of is MySpace. Privacy controls are more lax at MySpace than I prefer. Of all the social networks, Facebook is the real gem when it comes to all-round marketing and networking.

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