
US economy may plunge into depression if banking sector bailout fails

The US economy may plunge into a depression if the $700 billion rescue package fails to revive the ailing banking sector, says Ilian Mihov, INSEAD Professor of Economics.

"The Great Depression (this time) is still unlikely but it is not impossible anymore. This is quite sad," Mihov says.

Creative entrepreneurs can survive the crisis

Creative entrepreneurs can weather the current global economic crisis better than traditional businesses, says an INSEAD professor.

For example, Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic survived and came out stronger after the airline crisis of the early 1990s when many established airlines went bankrupt.

Sound long-term strategy is key, particularly in a crisis: Harvard's Michael Porter

With the current global economic downturn and dire predictions of a re-run of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the forecast is all doom and gloom.

But Professor Michael Porter of Harvard University, a leading authority on competitive strategy, begs to differ. He believes this time of great economic upheaval to be the tipping point for companies - if only they know how to harness the right strategies.

The experience trap

When companies look for a manager, they should look for experience, right?

Well, maybe not. INSEAD professors Kishore Sengupta and Luk Van Wassenhove say their research has revealed what they call the 'experience trap.'

Living with uncertainty

The authorities in the US and Europe have the right policies in place to tackle the financial crisis, but it will take time to restore confidence in the markets, according to speakers at the World Knowledge Forum.

In search of blue oceans

First came the book and now there is an institute. The international bestseller, 'Blue Ocean Strategy' written by INSEAD professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, sold more than a million copies in its first year of publication and is being published in a record-breaking 41 languages. Although there are no plans for a follow-up book at this stage, INSEAD has set up the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute.

Error management: A pre-emptive move that can reap long-term gains

If Murphy's Law is to be believed, we should be doing a lot more to prevent mistakes from happening in the first place, especially when such errors can potentially turn into disasters. Take Chernobyl or the more recent NASA Columbia catastrophe, events that will long be remembered, but for the wrong reasons.

Obama could help US economy recover by mid-2009

The victory of Barack Obama, the first African-American to become president of the United States, could help the troubled US economy recover by the middle of 2009, says Ilian Mihov, professor of economics at INSEAD.

Gucci: In the business of selling 'dreams'

As many look to cut costs to cope with the worsening economic downturn, you would expect consumer spending patterns to be adversely affected, with the luxury goods segment being one of the hardest hit.

Not so, according to Gucci chairman Robert Polet, who says his company is in the business of selling dreams.

We should heed the lessons of the collapse of the 'golden age': a personal view

It seemed like it was never going to end - the rise of the economy, the increased prosperity, the bull stock market. Forbes magazine said it would be 'recognized as a golden age of American industry." This was in the summer of 1929, but then the US economy collapsed.

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