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| The global business leader Leadership has nothing to do with titles. J. Frank Brown, the Dean of INSEAD, has met a lot of CEOs in his two-and-a-half decades in business and many of them are little more than LINOs - Leaders In Name Only. "A lot of people talk about leadership and not that many actually do it," Brown said in an interview with INSEAD Knowledge. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Frank Brown |
| In search of blue oceans First came the book and now there is an institute. The international bestseller, 'Blue Ocean Strategy' written by INSEAD professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, sold more than a million copies in its first year of publication and is being published in a record-breaking 41 languages. Although there are no plans for a follow-up book at this stage, INSEAD has set up the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Blue Ocean |
| The experience trap When companies look for a manager, they should look for experience, right? Well, maybe not. INSEAD professors Kishore Sengupta and Luk Van Wassenhove say their research has revealed what they call the 'experience trap.' http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Experience Trap |
| Networking is vital for successful managers Managers today juggle more responsibilities than ever and for many of them networking becomes an afterthought. Herminia Ibarra, INSEAD Professor of Organisational Behaviour says that's a potentially fatal career mistake. "What you know is who you know," she says and warns that managers who neglect to build their networks risk failing or remaining stuck in middle management. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Herminia |
| US economy may plunge into depression if banking sector bailout fails The US economy may plunge into a depression if the $700 billion rescue package fails to revive the ailing banking sector, says Ilian Mihov, INSEAD Professor of Economics. "The Great Depression (this time) is still unlikely but it is not impossible any more. This is quite sad," Mihov says. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Ilian Bailout |
| Fast Strategy: Staying ahead of the game How can you make sure your company not only keeps its edge over its competitors, but also seizes new opportunities? In a new book called Fast Strategy: How strategic agility will help you stay ahead of the game, INSEAD professor Yves Doz and co-author Mikko Kosonen, a former senior Nokia executive, say the best way to do this is by making the most of what they call 'strategic agility'. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Fast Strategy |
| The Momentum Effect: Mobilising brainpower for efficient growth CEOs dream of delivering efficient and sustainable growth - growth that would put serious distance between them and their competitors. Unfortunately, the way most large corporations generate growth is so expensive and inefficient that for most firms, meaningful, market-beating growth has remained just that - a dream. Until now. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Momentum Effect |
| Entrepreneurship: Riding growth in India and China With the rest of the world beating a path to India and China to cash in on the rapid economic growth in those countries and tap low-cost manufacturing (China) and services (India), countless business opportunities have opened up. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Turner |
| Cross-cultural negotiations: Avoiding the pitfalls When entering into negotiations, we should always take into account cultural factors such as the educational or religious background of the person sitting across the table, but, says INSEAD professor Horacio Falcao, many people both underestimate and overestimate the cross-cultural aspects. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Cross-cultural |
| Putting leaders on the couch When INSEAD Professor Manfred Kets de Vries coaches leadership teams, he effectively puts them on the couch - treating them not so much as rational actors but as emotional ones. http://knowledge.insead.edu/subscribe/unique.cfm?id=95BDEA940063954486FA168D4FA8AFA9&u= Manfred |