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Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai
28 - 30 November 2008

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Creating A Vibrant Mix Of Opportunities From A Multi-Billion Marketplace In MIFB 2008

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我的桌上堆滿了 影印出來的資料,它們用垂直交叉的形式往上疊,我一邊玩著非常有政治漂白動機的,得到MTV頒獎的線上行動者遊戲,Darfur is Dying(達佛滅絕)。用我進入雀巢這場混戰之前的自由選了個十一歲叫做馬蒂的蘇丹男孩,跑出難民營外去取水。我一邊跑著,底下距離水源倒數的數字越來 越少,在數字跑到4000公尺左右的時候正好被軍隊逮捕,電腦問我現在要寫連署抗議信給布希政府還是要玩下一關。這時候線上傳來那位無政府主義刺青女士寄 來的自己做的反雀巢公司貼紙,阿!鳥巢上的兩組鳥嘴有紅紅的血或是口水,機關槍馬的,要如何介紹雀巢?它的地位很崇高,在可口可樂、星巴克、沃爾瑪超市的 世界裡,它幾乎可以當選不道德企業中的小市長,甚至打敗了在奈及利亞長年鑽取原油,並且點火焚燒無經濟價值之沼氣的殼牌汽油公司。

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Match-Making Service for buyers
  Are you still heading for an airport to meet oversea buyers?? o Or, are you keeping in touch with them, you never saw before, by e-mail? Now, it's high time to have a pleasant talk with business people by the skepe in the office.

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               1. 귀사의 발전을 기원합니다.

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Natural Products Expo

News for buyers and sellers of natural, organic and specialty products May 20, 2008

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http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2008-05-18 15:31:41

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Use Direct Marketing

Direct marketing remains one of the most effective ways of reaching and convincing importers to buy your product or service. Yes it is more expensive than some of the other ways. And yes it does take more time to get results. But the results that you will get are MUCH greater than with any other technique. Direct marketing means sending a sales letter (and possibly a brochure) by mail to importers who you know might be interested in your product. To get a list of such importers

Sell Your Goods by Using B2B Web Sites

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Just like there are good ways to sell to the USA () there are also bad ways to sell. Here are a few of them starting with the worst:

Don't Send Mass E-mail Mailouts (SPAM)

A good e-mail marketing strategy can be very effective in finding new customers. But these e-mails should be personalized (addressed to that company) and sent on a one by one basis.

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The first step in writing a sales letter is to get a list of addresses of prospective buyers. To get such a list

The second step is to send each of the buyers on your list a sales letter. The sales letter that you send represents your company. If it looks good, you look good. if it looks bad, you look bad. If there are mistakes in the letter the quality of your product is questioned. Effective sales letters generally have four paragraphs and are arranged in the following manner.

Paragraph One: Attracting Attention

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This article from the US Customs Service is intended as a general explanation of import requirements for a person interested in establishing an importing business in the USA or a person who may be importing something for personal use only (not for resale) into the USA.

To speed customs clearance, the import community and the Customs Service have created the Customs Automated Commercial System (ACS), which electronically receives and processes entry documentation and provides cargo disposition information. Cargo carriers, customs brokers, and importers may use the system, which reduces clearance time from days to hours or even minutes. Persons entering into the importing trade who intend to file their own entry documentation with Customs are encouraged to explore this method of transacting business. Also, those importing merchandise either for their own use or for commercial transactions may use a customs broker who transacts customs business using the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) in combination with ACS.

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An Introduction

This is a brief introduction to e-mail marketing strategy. Exporters are discovering that the internet can be a fast, cost-effective, and efficient way to market and sell their products to buyers around the world. As the world wide web enters its second decade sellers are starting to understand just how powerful the web can be as a marketing and selling tool.

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A Must Have in Today's Business World

If you want to sell your product in today's business world you need a web site. Those companies without a web site are at a serious disadvantage. Buyers these days expect sellers to have a web site. Those who do not have one are looked upon as not knowing how to do business in the modern business world.

Let's look at it this way. Let's say that you called a company and asked for their fax number. They replied that they do not have a fax number because they don't use a fax machine. What would you think about this company? You would think that they were small, not serious, and didnÕt know how to conduct business.

And so it is with a web site. If a buyer sees that you as a seller do not have a web site your company looks small. Regardless of how big your company is, if you do not have a web site then to the buyer you are small.

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More and more Americans, Canadians, and importers/wholesalers around the world are using B2B (business to business) web sites to look for and buy their products. In the next few years the majority of all goods purchased from foreign exporters by US and Canadian importers will be bought from B2B web sites.

The Database List of USA Importers and Buying Agents CD () has a List of the Top 158 B2B Web Sites Used by Importers in the US and Worldwide to Buy Their Products. Some of these web sites can be used free of charge, other sites you must pay a small monthly fee.

A recent study by Forrester Research estimates that global B2B e-commerce trade will grow from about $406 billion in 2000 to a incredibly high $2.7 trillion in 2004. E-commerce helps businesses operate more cheaply and efficiently. B2B e-commerce helps exporters and importers work better together on industry supply chains.

B2B Web Sites are the Wave of the Future

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