
Use Direct Marketing

Direct marketing remains one of the most effective ways of reaching and convincing importers to buy your product or service. Yes it is more expensive than some of the other ways. And yes it does take more time to get results. But the results that you will get are MUCH greater than with any other technique. Direct marketing means sending a sales letter (and possibly a brochure) by mail to importers who you know might be interested in your product. To get a list of such importers

Sell Your Goods by Using B2B Web Sites

The way products are sold to American importers and buyers has changed over the last 10 years with the introduction of the internet. To be successful in the very competitive and risky US market you as a foreign exporter should understand these new ways well. To get a list of the B2B web sites and a guide on how to use them

Keep Your Sales Letters Short

Your sales letter should have four paragraphs, not more and not less. The first paragraph gets the buyer's attention (you have only 7 seconds to do this). The second paragraph tells what the seller can do for the buyer. The third paragraph gives the details. The fourth paragraph is perhaps the most important. It tells the buyer exactly what to do to order the product or to get more information. This should ALWAYS include asking the buyer to visit the seller's web site for details. For an example of what a sales letter should look like

Have a Well Designed Web Site

Exporters who do not have a web site are at a serious disadvantage. If you are serious about doing business with US importers, you should have a well-designed web site. It is very important in today's market. If you dont have one, get one. Not having a web site is like not having a fax machine. For information on how to design an effective web site

Have An Effective E-Mail Marketing Strategy

Sending sales messages by e-mail can be a low cost, effective, and fast way to find new customers. But it has to be done properly and using the expected business etiquette. Done the wrong way and you will get the reputation of spamming or being a "spammer". And importers HATE spammers. Some of the companies on our USA Importers list have web site addresses. But you should contact them first and ask if you can send a message. This way they are expecting it and the message will be much more effective. To get a brief introduction to e-mail marketing

Keep Your Brochure to One or Two Pages

Whether to enclose a brochure with your sales letter is up to you. Now that buyers can go to the internet and get information from a seller's web site, brochures have become almost obsolete. If you do include a brochure it should be no more than two pages. Large brochures are a waste of your money and the buyer's time. You can put this same information up on your web site and change it as the market requires.

Use Modern Words in Your Sales Letters
and E-mail Messages

Importers want to do business with exporters that have a modern image. For this you should use modern words in your written communication. Use "please", not "kindly". Use "I have received ...", not the out-of-date "Acknowledge receipt of ...". Use "please", not "Would you be so kind as to ..." Some people think that using old fashion phrases makes the letter more polite. It does not. It only makes you look old and out-of-date. Choose modern words.

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