

More and more Americans, Canadians, and importers/wholesalers around the world are using B2B (business to business) web sites to look for and buy their products. In the next few years the majority of all goods purchased from foreign exporters by US and Canadian importers will be bought from B2B web sites.

The Database List of USA Importers and Buying Agents CD () has a List of the Top 158 B2B Web Sites Used by Importers in the US and Worldwide to Buy Their Products. Some of these web sites can be used free of charge, other sites you must pay a small monthly fee.

A recent study by Forrester Research estimates that global B2B e-commerce trade will grow from about $406 billion in 2000 to a incredibly high $2.7 trillion in 2004. E-commerce helps businesses operate more cheaply and efficiently. B2B e-commerce helps exporters and importers work better together on industry supply chains.

B2B Web Sites are the Wave of the Future

Soon the vast majority of all international buying will be done over the internet.

Using the B2Bweb sites on this list is easy, quick, effective, and the costs are very low. We asked importers in the US and several other countries what B2B web sites they used to buy their products. Their top choices are on this list.

You can find importers that are ready to buy in two ways:

- In the "To Sell" section of these web sites you can list your company name and product. Buyers who also visit this same web site will see your listing and will contact you if they are interested.

- In the "To Buy" section of these web sites buyers around the world have indicated what products they want to buy. You look over these lists to see if you sell or can sell any products on the lists. If you can you contact the buyer and make a proposal.

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