
Peak Performance Training and Development
Sales Tip of the Week
How Sales People Manage Management and the implications to the Business Owner

For Business Owners and Sales Managers

Most Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's are frustrated with:

  • Sales teams that are run like fraternities
  • Sales managers who focus on poorly qualified pipelines instead of on closing deals and the bottom line
  • Sales managers who rely on sales person optimism instead of holding sales people accountable to objective performance standards
  • Sales people blaming their poor sales results on a bad economy, bad leads, or other external factor.
  • Sales people not being proactive in the selling process—not making cold calls, not confronting objections, not calling on/meeting with top level decision-makers, not qualifying prospects before providing costly proposals.

Do you want to give your sales people the tools to maximize their potential and as such increase your bottom line?

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Have you ever wondered why your sales team is not achieving what you perceive to be optimum levels for your company or even levels that would bring you closer to your goal and why?

There are many reasons why sales organizations fail to achieve levels of optimum performance. But let’s not focus on the sales person because it all starts at the top. Today we will quickly review two reasons why sales volume in many organizations is often lackluster. These two reasons zero in on you, the one with the most to gain and the most to lose—the Business Owner.

For more assistance for Business Owners visit:

The Different Types of Business Owners
Firs! t ! we will explore the business owner who does not have an intimate knowledge of the problems inherent in sales. This is the business owner who may for example come out of corporate America. Possibly they were downsized, got caught up in the tech boom of the late 90s or simply wanted to use their management/operations background combined with their entrepreneurial spirit to develop a new kind of company. Their energy levels and excitement regarding this new venture parallel the excitement of a new sales person who starts a new job. His/Her mentality is to move mountains, however a few months later they simply hope to meet quota.

For more on the actual root cause of sales complacency and lackluster performance visit or call 610.878.9400.

What happens?

Reason # 1: The business owner with very little front line sales experience often falls prey to the excuses for non-productivity provided by sales people. It is as if the sales people are arguing the case for the prospect! You’re paying them yet they seem to have gone to work for the prospect.

The reason(s): The excuses are present for many reasons, too many to detail in this article. One major reason is that sales people do not have a real system of selling, rather react to the buying system used by the prospect, a system that is highly effective at deferring sales people thus putting your business at a distinct disadvantage. In other words how effective might you be without a plan or strategy while playing chess. Without a proactive strategy you are simply at the mercy of your opponent merely reacting to their every move!

The business owner with little front line experience usually relies on the system or rather the lack of a system used by their sales people. If you are this type of Business owner you’re plugging your company and financial future into the hands of your sales people rather than taking your sales people and i! nt! egrating them into your defined and proactive system.

Visit or call 610.878.9400 for more details on solutions for your sales problems.

Shipping and receiving, accounts receivable, accounts payable and customer service all have a system that employees must adapt to, comply with and work within the checks and balances of the system. Unfortunately, most sales people receive very few checks from their prospects and as such keep their companies out of balance.

Reason #2: The Business owner who was/is successful at sales and attempts to duplicate his/her personality, behavior and sa! le! s approach. In this situation, the characteristics of the business owner—entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to be in control—results in him or her over-directing and over-controlling the sales team resulting in high turnover rates. Unfortunately, the people who do stay with this type of business owner or sales manager are the ones who are followers by nature and as such are subservient not only to their boss but also to their prospects. The inability to take control demonstrated by many sales people results in this business owner stepping in to close the deal or resurrect deals that begin to fade away. In this scenario the sales people are getting paid to sell while the business owner ends up doing the majority of the work. Who’s really managing who here?

To overcome these or other sales obstacles that impede bottom lie growth, visit for details on breaking through the barriers that impede the growth of your business.

    創作者 milk100sina 的頭像


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