"Discover Exactly How You Can Make Money In Bullish, BEARISH OR Flat Market In Less Than 15 Minutes A Day!" You Can Get Started Immediately Even If You're a Complete Beginner Who Knows Nothing About The Stock Market!  | Mr Wong, never touch computer b4 the course. Took the untrodden path to learn. He has been earning consistently using T3B System. Over 100k since April. “Follow the Rules, Buy Signals, Sell Signals. No personal opinions. T3B choose the right stocks and see it just rise & rise & exit with profits.” |  | Mr Robert Woo, retiree, “has been earning consistently using T3B System since last August”, “make over 80k to date using the system ”, sent 2 daughters, 17 & 19 to attend the course. |  | Mr Frank Yap, multi-millionaire trader…consistent millionaire profits, month after month, “Keep to the rules, T3B success rate 70 -80%” |
FREE 3 Hours Preview
Worth $100!
Limited Seats Available!!! In This Free Session You Will learn *How stock market ACTUALLY works
*How to make money regardless of market direction
*Common mistakes most investors make
*Trade successfully and safely with a success rate up to 80%
*Find explosive money making opportunities within 15 minutes a day
*Make huge profits even as the market CRASHES
*Make consistent monthly profits to generate a second stream of income
*Master the psychology of successful trading
*Trade without intensive monitoring of the market
*And much much more! Venue: Le Meridian Hotel, 100 Orchard Road,
#03-22, T3B Traders' Club
(next to Hotel Lobby, Beside Istana, diagonally opposite Dhoby Ghaut MRT) 19th Apr (Sat) 3pm Full * We Respect Your Privacy. Anti-Spam Protection | "The Secrets!" From: Keane Lee, Singapore
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2008
Subject: How To Make Money In Stock Market! Dear Soon-to-be Master Stock Trader I became Millionaire before the age of 30. I have trained and changed the live of many men and women...... to allow them to earn extraordinary passive income and achieve financial freedom. How did they do it? |  | Founder of T3B System, Metatrend Asia & C2O Option | Simply by following my 11 years proven T3B Proprietary Trading System and 16 years of stock market experience. In fact it is very reasonable and achievable for you to enjoy financial freedom... when you implement my proven strategies and system! At this point, you probably thinking "Keane... this sounds way too good to be true!" So before I go further, let me show you my success stories and profile.  | Mr Terry Teo, has been earning consistently using T3B System since last Nov. Highest profit following rule on CAO of 25K, 250% gain. Now using strategy to play US options. |  | Mr Johnson Lim, has been earning consistently using T3B System since last Nov. Full-time golf player, part time trader using T3B, “success rate of T3B based on personal experience is 70 – 80%.” |  | Mr William Tan, has been earning consistently using T3B System since last March. Retiree who makes “regular profits from the market”, “safe and conservative”, “high accuracy, small losses huge profits”. |  | Mr Soh PH, retiree who “used to follow tips and lost money, now follow faithfully T3B, make back all the huge losses in the past, now making regular good income, used to trade blindly, now crystal clear and encourages all to do so!” | Keane Lee Profile -
Founder of T3B System, Metatrend Asia and C2O Options.
Obtained his DR License and was a Dealer Rep proficient in various systems, strategies and indicators.
Highly proficient in intraday and short term swing trading in stocks, CFDs, futures, options and warrants.
Formulated the first system in 1996 and vigorously back-tested, forward-tested, evaluated and refined the system.
Simplified it for personal use in 1997.
Become a multi-millionaire through trading and investing using his formulated system.
Featured in major newspapers and magazines in Singapore and Asia which include the Straits Times, Business Times, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily News, Lianhe Zaobao, Star News Uniquely Singapore, Star Special Education Singapore, Leading Business Magazine Shang Hai, Shares Investment Book, Shares Investment (Chinese), In Singapore Magazine, Money Savers, Fundsupermart, Asia Financial Planning Journal, etc.
Contributing writer to financial magazines like the Asia Financial Planning Journal and the Share Investment.
Invited speaker to events in China and in Singapore, such as the Singapore Invest Fair as well as talks in broking house.
Helped many ordinary people achieved excellent returns from the stockmarket, therefore Keane and T3B System has been featured in the book “Singapore Top 50 Investments that Help People Make the First Million."
Devotes his time in his second passion, which is imparting trading skills and knowledge and guiding traders and beginners to help them become successful & highly profitable traders that are able to create consistent profits from the market as a passive income. Achievements  | Awarded Professional Enterprise Award - Prestige to Keane Lee The Professional Enterprise Award - Prestige. It signifies the organisations' superior business performance as a result of their Enterprise Professionalism incorporating Goal-Setting as well as System & Process Integrity. |  |  |  | | T3B System
"Profit In Bull, Bear & Flat Market" T3B System is founded to help traders capitalize on the cutting edge of a powerful system and gain a huge unfair advantage in the stock market. -
T3B users use 3 powerful & unique strategies, proven with time, to gain consistent profits, confidently, leading to financial independence.
T3B identifies stocks that are about to propel up significantly & stocks that are about to break down drastically.
Master both long & short strategy trades using CFD & Warrants & you will be able to profit greatly even when the market falls! Price movement is dependent on human actions and reactions and the interaction of greed and fear. Traders who could properly decode price movements on charts have an enormous advantage over those who don’t. Fortune was made by those who have a system to decode the price movements. Our system for selecting winning stocks is based on how the market actually operates, not on anyone’s opinions.
The Big profits are made in the runs between accumulation and distribution. Therefore, you make more money by waiting until a stock plainly declares its trend than by getting in before it starts. T3B ingenuously tracks the movement of share prices and enables the trader to make timely entries and exits to capitalise on big movements and reaping profits resulting from the breakthroughs or big swings.
"A System That Answers All The
Questions You Have When You Trade &
Take Away Your Emotions!" - What stocks to buy?
- When to buy?
- How much to buy?
- When to add positions?
| - When to sell?
- When to cut loss?
- At pinpoint accuracy
- No subjectivity
| Why the need to be void of emotions? -
You can be riled by the news and let your emotions adversely affect your judgment.
You can get caught up in the herd mentality and get squabbled.
You can become greedy or fearful and make big mistakes.
A Mechanical System To Rid Us Of Emotions -
A system with pre-set rules
Trades only when certain conditions are met
Does not involve human judgment
Eliminates human error
Brings 100% certainty to the wealth-building process
Makes you a 100% system trader
Like a vacuum, no emotions, no duress
What our T3B Graduates say about us...  | Mr Ong HL, has been earning consistently using T3B System since last Oct. Make “as much as his pay per month, help us always choose accurately the right stocks.” |  | Ms Ng, never buy share b4 course, has been earning consistently using T3B System. Make “regular passive income”, “follow the rules, never go wrong”,“T3B support team is excellent.” |  | Ms Elin Wang, has been “earning consistently using T3B System since last April”, “T3B helps us to buy the best up-trending stocks, no feelings, just follow exactly buy and sell. ” |  | Thomas, has been earning consistently using T3B System since Jan. Make “more than monthly pay on average, shorting gives me huge profits.” |  | Ms Rose Say, first time share investor b4 T3B, “T3B gives me exact buy, sell signals, no personal take, make average 50% per trade consistently. Love to recommend friends to T3B to learn a life skill for financial passive income.” |  | Mr Jaikumar, “love T3B and Mr Keane …follow Keane’s T Choice very good, 80% accurate, profiting consistently.” |  | “Very powerful. Has been helping me to be crystal clear, clarity is power. Tell many friends about T3B” |  | Wuhao, young man looking for directions, “finally found the pathway!” came with youngest highly successful student of T3B which is featured in Xin Min newspaper. |  | Mr Tan NS, has been earning consistently using T3B System since last Sept. “Powerfully tells me when to get in and get out before market plunges and go short for huge and safe profits!” |  | Noreha, never touch share b4 T3B, “has finally found a way to confidently trade and make money in the stockmarket.” |  | Mentor Derick, a full-time trader of T3B system who has been selflessly contributing to the community. | "Made me 500% this quarter" t3b is the only method with which I've made solid money over the past 6+ years of using various methods. I've attended most of the well known courses and even some of the obscure ones and with all of these methods I had learnt, I've made very little money or lost money. t3b manages all my trades more profitably than any methods I've been with. The result is that I've had limited risk but great returns. Thanks for your profitable trading strategy. Raffles Edu is me record made me 500% this quarter report. Now I’m doing great with the bear strategy.
Jackson | | "$2700 in one day" Very happy to get to know about your system in 2006. Your system really work and can make money from the market. If you are conducting any new courses please let me know and I would like to attend. Example, course on option.... On the very last trading day for 2006, I make money on wilmar Again. When it break peak(2.17) I enter at 2.18, it went up to 2.46 in the late afternoon. Due to the long holiday I take my profit on the last 5 min of the trading day at 2.45. Make $2700 in one day, a big Ang Pao for 2007 all come from your system. THANK YOU
Frank Yap | | "I am positive 12K this quarter" I have been using t3b for over a year now, enjoying the excellent performance. I highly appreciate your honest feedback, careful consideration of risk with infinite reward, and tight position monitoring looking to minimize the downside. I am positive 12K this quarter.
Faizal | | "The simplicity, lack of emotional stress" 320% to report this few months. Over the years I have traded Forex live myself and US options, attended various courses which did not live up to their claims and studied all the technical indicators. I heard about your system from Mark earlier on but the gains did not excite me. Eventually I realized the goods of t3b trading strategy after you taught me and after 3 months, the simplicity, lack of emotional stress and better than claimed results have made me money never before! I had introduced 2 frens to you oredi, TS Lim and Edmund Tang …remember just your last batch of students, and I’ll continue to intro ppl to you cos your system works.
Samuel Li | | "T3B system protect us layers after layers" The system is such that we're able to make it in all types of market. From last year till this May, our S1 had already helped us made piles, just you could see them in our charts if you return for back tests. Then from End May to now, its S3 world, making us yet piles. Next, if market continue its bull, it'll be S1 world. In fact, quite a handfuls had turned from S3 to S1. If plunge and bearish, its S2 world, just like good old bearish times. But at any time, be hedged with S2. However, bull time, expect S2 to be slow. Also, some had asked me this qns - can don't hedge....yes and no...if you follow the rules closely, you would see all our stocks already exit out before the drop of mid-may. so no worry really as our system protect us layers after layers. go revisit using backtest, again.
Bernard | | "Simple & take little time" This quarter I made great profits with Ho Bee; 33K in 4 months. My take for this quarter: I use t3b for three reasons: 1) To make money easily; 2) Proven superb results over the years; and 3) Simple & take little time, allow me to live my life as per normal. I believe that you are the very best at what you do. I have traded with other methods learnt but can’t compare to your results and ease of work. I look forward to being with you for many, many years. However, no deny that the down methods take more effort but worth the while.
Chan TS | | "Put my trading on complete autopilot" | |