特別是如2004年啟用的雅虎知惠袋(即台灣的「知識+」),類似的問答服務近年來用量大增,2006年至2008年3月間,知惠袋瀏覽頁數由172萬增至1262萬,其他日本知名問答服務網站[日文]包括OKWave[日文]、goo網站下的oshiete![日文]、Hatena Question[日文]等。研究顯示雅虎知惠袋[日文]在日本使用率為25.7%,相同服務在美國使用率卻只有9.4%;維基百科在日本的使用率(37.8%)亦高於美國(24.5%)。另一項研究則譯於What Japan Thinks網站內,顯示日本民眾對問答服務網站的信任度與維基百科相當。
日本人和美國人不同,較不善於公開議論,當人們想 要「私下尋找不好向人開口的問題」時,網路就是最方便的工具,網路問答服務或許也因此廣受歡迎,向親友提問很困難,在網路上匿名發問很容易,所以像初學者 常見問答服務就非常熱門。不過有些人也開始習慣直接發問,從不自己先搜尋研究,讓部分人士質疑網路如此便利,已使得人們不再思考,相對於人們在雅虎知惠袋 服務裡禮貌地回答問題,有些人也會直接以「去Google一下啦,笨蛋」,在BBS留言板回答那些不願自己思考的人。
Results of a survey by NetRatings Japan, Inc. [ja] released on May 23rd and posted at japan.internet.com [ja] revealed some surprising trends [ja] among Japanese Internet users. Among other things, the survey found that while the amount of time that people spend on the Internet is going up, the number of page views is flat, contrary to what many expected.
The survey also found that popularity of Q&A services, particularly Yahoo!'s Chiebukuro (知恵袋) service started in 2004, have skyrocketed in recent years. From a total of 1.72 million page views on Chiebukuro in 2006, the figure increased to 12.62 million page views by March, 2008. (Other popular Japanese Q&A services [ja] include OKWave [ja], goo's “oshiete!” [ja], and Hatena Question [ja].) The study pointed out that while the reach of Yahoo! Chiekibukuro [ja] was 25.7% in Japan, the reach of the comparable “Yahoo! Answers” service in the U.S. is only 9.4%. Wikipedia also has a higher reach at 37.8% in Japan, compared to 24.5% in the U.S. (A different study, translated at What Japan Thinks, indicated that Japanese trust Q&A sites almost as much as they trust Wikipedia.)
In a post entitled “Japanese like Wikipedia and FAQ”, blogger lattice remarks on the differences between Japanese and American Internet users:
日本人はアメリカ人と違って、人前でオープンに議論するということが苦手である。「人には聞けない事をこっそり調べる」という欲求にネットは合っているの かもしれない。ネットのFAQが流行るのもそうしたこともあるのかもしれない。身近の人間には訊きずらいが、ネットで匿名だと訊きやすいので初心者FAQ なども大いに賑わう。ネット上の「教えて君」である。これも自分では積極的に調べようとしない、安易にネットで訊けばいいという、やはり思考停止の反映の 1つにも思える。それに対してYahoo!知恵袋のように丁寧に答えてくれる人もいるが、思考停止を指摘するのが「ググレカス」であろう。
In other results, the survey also confirmed the incredible popularity of Japanese tarento on the Internet. The blog [ja] of actor Kamiji Ysuke in particular was reported to have around one million visitors, with a single entry drawing between ten and fifteen thousand comments over a span of just a few hours. So numerous are the comments on tarento blogs that some have even speculated [ja] the comment-writers may not be human [ja].
Thanks to Taku Nakajima and Yu Yamamoto for suggesting and researching this topic.
by Chris Salzberg